I think it's amazing how by just crossing one main street, a city could change and look so different. When we talked about borders in lecture and talked about the quote by Robert E. Park, I see this city of Torrance being once that is by name one city, yet has a division. The areas themselves explain the conditions for themselves, and therefore social differences are created. People don't live in these different neighborhoods because they want to, they live in them because they can and have the resources to live these type of lives. Someone who lives in East side Torrance wouldn't personally live there because they want to. The neighborhoods are corrupted and are dangerous, they live there because they don't have the resources to live in the nicer sides of Torrance. However the homogeneous lifestyles in these certain neighborhoods is what keeps these neighborhood and residents going, and having neighbors that experience the same lifestyle as you are doesn't make the social difference as intolerable, instead it keeps neighbors united and understandable of each other's lives and struggles.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Week 9: City of Torrance
Hello! This week I decided to explore the social differences in a city that once was my hometown growing up, the city of Torrance. I think to most people the city of Torrance is known as a fairly middle class type of city with the one of the biggest mall's in the nation being home to this city, Del Amo Fashion Center. Although Torrance is a pretty big city, the mall almost seems to fit at its center and there being various sides to Torrance that most city natives know and refer to it as North, East, West, Central, and South Torrance. Although Torrance appears to be a city who mainly the typical middle class family can afford to live in, I feel there is definitely social difference in this city because of what I like to call the neglected East side of Torrance. This side of Torrance is basically border lined by one of the main streets, Western Blvd and as soon as you cross onto this side of Torrance all the middle class view of Torrance changes to those who live in a less privileged area. i decided to compare neighborhood parks, streets and homes to see this social difference.
The East side of Torrance is corrupted with gang violence, old buildings that are barely holding up and a fear to be able to walk on the street. Growing up, I was always told not to walk at night because of fear of drive by's or mugging from gang affiliated people. You see Hispanic entrepreneurs trying to make a living selling in ice cream trucks, food trucks, or even in carts selling corn and traditional Mexican food (tamales, hot drinks). It is home to the most active park on this side of Torrance which is Normandale Park. This park is a center of recreation for neighboring people where they provide recreational sports leagues, basketball and soccer, as well as family functioning events. This park's programs strive to keep kids out of trouble and active, which is something I participated in growing up. Although the park's intentions are good, the conditions in which it is found are not. There were trashcans right next to the basketball courts, tagging in the bathrooms and the grass was old and not well kept, but the point of the park isn't its quality, it is the services it provides. I also noticed in the neighborhood that there were many people walking to their destinations, this could be because the neighborhood business (which are mainly family owned) are close by so that those without transportation are able to access them. Although I did see a couple new apartment buildings built in the neighborhood, they just looked so out of place because the rest of the homes are old and not well kept, so it kind of looked awkward in the neighborhood. I also saw many empty spaces of land where there were either dumped old cars or just nothing there and made the neighborhoods look so empty. The neighborhoods are also heavily made up of apartment buildings to accommodate more people who cannot afford the expensive housing in other areas of Torrance. I call this the neglected part of Torrance because being that it is a low privileged area it is the type of place that hardly gets any attention, and when it does it is because a crime occurred and the police show up late to crime scenes. I hardly see police patrolling, they only arrive when there is something wrong. It is that area that has a reputation of being dangerous and although it has gotten better over the years, the thought of walking down a neighborhood at night is still not something recommended.

Now as I crossed over to the other side of Western Blvd, better known as Central Torrance, all you notice is houses, houses, and houses. Two story typical middle class homes, with no businesses around. The streets are quiet with hardly any traffic around or even people around. I didn't see anyone walking through the streets even though this is a nice neighborhood where nothing wrong could possibly happen. I always see police patrolling even though the only thing they ever catch people doing is violating driving rules. In this area of Torrance I decided to go visit the park Sur La Brea, which is a small park in Central Torrance. This park has a playground, basketball courts, tennis courts and is relatively small. There were hardly any people, except for in the basketball courts and the tennis courts. There was no recreational gym. I figure there isn't one needed since this isn't the type of neighborhood that needs those type of programs, the use of this park is different than the one in the East side of Torrance. The grass was well kept, it was very clean and looked spacious when honestly it is a very small space, but its cleanliness made it seem so spacious.

Friday, November 23, 2012
Week 8: What's that smell in Wilmington?
Hello! This week I decided to explore the area of Wilmington, not necessarily for its characteristics as a city, but its location and what aspects of it have made it a target for the placement of refineries Wilmington has a high number of low income families living there, and it isn't the safest city to be in either. It's high number of crime and corruption make this area not an attractive place to live. Not only does it make it unattractive, it makes it an area where companies have placed refineries here where they know residents will not have the resources to complain about them.
The refineries in Wilmington are located right next to homes. Although Wilmington is a large area of land, the refineries are actually placed right next to homes, and the odor and sight is just terrible for the Wilmington residents. I live near Wilmington and often have to pass by refineries if I am visiting a friend that lives in this area, and I always have to roll my window up because the smell is dreadful and its awful to breathe in. I actually found an article from a recent conflict about these Wilmington refineries where residents were complaining about a large refiniery flare that was releasing an awful flare.
Residents were complaining about the flare and its smell, however the typical company owners were reassuring residents that the smell from the flare was not harmful.
Struggles such as these are also brought up by Harvey in his "Environmental Justice" reading. Industries such as the refineries target low income neighborhoods because residents simply don't have the resources to move out of the area. Refineries try to justify smells and their location to residents as not being harmful, but in reality, having refineries almost like backyards is such an awful way to live mentally and physically. It is certainly not healthy, but most residents really have no choice if they do not have the resources to move away from these type of areas. The majority of people that live in Wilmington are of Hispanic descent and serve as minorities who might not have a voice to be active in what goes on in their communities. In the article I found, company owners did nothing about the flare, they simply tried to reassure residents that they had nothing worry about because it wasn't harmful. This is a hazardous area to live in but environmental justice is something that is just not seen in Wilmington.
The refineries in Wilmington are located right next to homes. Although Wilmington is a large area of land, the refineries are actually placed right next to homes, and the odor and sight is just terrible for the Wilmington residents. I live near Wilmington and often have to pass by refineries if I am visiting a friend that lives in this area, and I always have to roll my window up because the smell is dreadful and its awful to breathe in. I actually found an article from a recent conflict about these Wilmington refineries where residents were complaining about a large refiniery flare that was releasing an awful flare.
Residents were complaining about the flare and its smell, however the typical company owners were reassuring residents that the smell from the flare was not harmful.
Struggles such as these are also brought up by Harvey in his "Environmental Justice" reading. Industries such as the refineries target low income neighborhoods because residents simply don't have the resources to move out of the area. Refineries try to justify smells and their location to residents as not being harmful, but in reality, having refineries almost like backyards is such an awful way to live mentally and physically. It is certainly not healthy, but most residents really have no choice if they do not have the resources to move away from these type of areas. The majority of people that live in Wilmington are of Hispanic descent and serve as minorities who might not have a voice to be active in what goes on in their communities. In the article I found, company owners did nothing about the flare, they simply tried to reassure residents that they had nothing worry about because it wasn't harmful. This is a hazardous area to live in but environmental justice is something that is just not seen in Wilmington.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Week 7: DOWNTOWN Long Beach
This week I decided to visit the city of Long Beach, more specifically the downtown commercialized area. This was my walking adventure. I explored Belmont Shore, Pine Ave Pier and the Pike. Throughout these areas, the traffic was always hectic. However, the traffic only consisted of automobiles. I never once saw some type of public transportation around. I saw people waiting for for public transportation but I never saw it really pass by. I thought this was strange because it has many businesses and residential areas, I would think people would need the public transportation to get around. I saw downtown Long Beach as a different version of downtown compared to Los Angeles or other cities that have commercialized centers. I know Long Beach is a very large city therefore I feel like I can't really say that Downtown Long Beach would be the center for Long Beach. Especially the geographic location of downtown Long Beach is right next to the beach and no where near the rest of the Long Beach residential areas. This area of Long Beach also had a different type of residential area. It consisted of many apartments and not as many homes. If there were homes they would be located 2 or 3 blocks away from the madness of the city. There was also a lack of parking near the residential areas around downtown due to so much business around. So essentially, it's hard to imagine this area to be considered as Long Beach's center. I would consider Long Beach to have the more modern way of looking at centers that we discussed in lecture, which is the home is the center and work as the outer zones of this center.
Belmont Shore consisted of a long strip of clothing boutiques, restaraunts, bars and random businesses, mainly known as 2nd street. This street is unique because all of the stores are made differently in terms of architecture. There are also a lot more natives to the area than tourists. I always felt lost as I walked around, while all the other people seemed to know where they were and wanted to go. This area also seemed to represent as a place that people would meet up to have lunch, have a drink or two, it was very modern and had a local feel to it.
I also went to visited The Pike and Pine Ave Pier. These two areas consisted of local eating areas, movie theater and boats. This wasn't as populated with people around 5:30 when I went, but as it got darker, cars started to roll in and it seemed the nightlife is bigger in this area. Downtown is very commercialized with some type of business left and right. There were boats that offered cruises, whale watch, and sight seeing.

Lastly, there were many random parks around Long Beach, open space where people could go and sit and do whatever they want. I saw people sitting on the benches eating dinner, I saw people exercising and others simply enjoy the ocean view. Overall, I had a great experience in downtown Long Beach, enjoyed the craziness of the city and saw what it was like to not consider this commercialized area as not the center of a city. The home is definitely more of a center and downtown is simply a place where people go to work and to find some type of entertainment in their lives.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Week 6: City of Commerce
Hello! This week I am commenting on a classmates blog that discusses the City of Commerce, one of the heavily industrial cities in Los Angeles. Enjoy!
Hi Gurdeep , I found your analysis of the City of Commerce and the Citadel Outlets to be very interesting. As a Los Angeles native who has been going to this outlet and city for a while to find great deals, I have never really payed attention on the type of things that go on.
I think transportation is key in the city of commerce because of all the trailers and people that need to get to the factories and various of businesses. The outlets are actually right next to the freeway and the sidewalks are very narrow there because the street is mainly there for car use.
I think you can apply the Burgess reading and the maps that we have seen in lecture to this type of city. I believe the center for this city is the industrial part of the city because this is what the city is mainly known for. The busiest part of the city is around the outlets and the factories. I also got lost once in this city because all I could find is factories and factories and hardly any neighborhoods to ask for directions to the freeway. However as soon as you leave the streets where the factories are you start to see the neighborhoods that surround this area. However the neighborhoods do look old, and they definitely have remodeled schools that probably were old as well.
I think its interesting the way you pointed out that this city's main concern is business. The christmas tree a month before the actual holiday just goes to show how they try to influence people to start consuming early. I think for the most part, this city's only interest is providing a center for industrial resources only and have it in the most efficient way, wider streets to transport good in trailers and having this area surrounded by various frequently traveled freeways.
Great blog, you made me see this city and the outlets in a different way!
-Erica Mendez
Hi Gurdeep , I found your analysis of the City of Commerce and the Citadel Outlets to be very interesting. As a Los Angeles native who has been going to this outlet and city for a while to find great deals, I have never really payed attention on the type of things that go on.
I think transportation is key in the city of commerce because of all the trailers and people that need to get to the factories and various of businesses. The outlets are actually right next to the freeway and the sidewalks are very narrow there because the street is mainly there for car use.
I think you can apply the Burgess reading and the maps that we have seen in lecture to this type of city. I believe the center for this city is the industrial part of the city because this is what the city is mainly known for. The busiest part of the city is around the outlets and the factories. I also got lost once in this city because all I could find is factories and factories and hardly any neighborhoods to ask for directions to the freeway. However as soon as you leave the streets where the factories are you start to see the neighborhoods that surround this area. However the neighborhoods do look old, and they definitely have remodeled schools that probably were old as well.
I think its interesting the way you pointed out that this city's main concern is business. The christmas tree a month before the actual holiday just goes to show how they try to influence people to start consuming early. I think for the most part, this city's only interest is providing a center for industrial resources only and have it in the most efficient way, wider streets to transport good in trailers and having this area surrounded by various frequently traveled freeways.
Great blog, you made me see this city and the outlets in a different way!
-Erica Mendez
Friday, November 2, 2012
Week 5: Boyle Heights
This is a response to a classmate Katherine Aguilar. Enjoy!
Hi Kathy, I agree with your ideas of Boyle Heights, and how it is primarily served only certain ethnic people dealing with the same economic struggles. Boyle Heights is just one example of the many cities in LA that have served as a place for people of the same struggles to come together.
In your example you mentioned that there were murals and ethnic related art that represent the Latin community and I think that is important because like you said, most of the residents that live there are Latin. The city you live in serves you a purpose in life and you have to feel comfortable with the neighborhood and people that reside in it in order to be content with our lifestyle. Based on occupation I think people are able to connect with one another and understand each other's story more with similarities.
However I wish you would have mentioned if there were any boundaries between Boyle Heights and other surrounding cities or if they are all essentially the same. Also I would've been interested to know the type of transportation that dominated this area, or if it was known for crime or the type of groups that inhabited this area.
However I think its amazing that this city has lit streets, murals and a sense of culture to it. The fact that many business owners keep their businesses small and local makes the city seem more intimate and friendly and it goes well with the concept of people residing in cities where their occupation and and residents are essentially similar to them.
Since you mentioned the Chicago School Model, I would have asked your friend if he has seen changes in the neighborhood since he has lived there for a long time, and how the neighborhood was able to process these changes if any, because that was essentially what the sociologists of Chicago were interested in.
Great and interesting post!
-Erica Mendez
Hi Kathy, I agree with your ideas of Boyle Heights, and how it is primarily served only certain ethnic people dealing with the same economic struggles. Boyle Heights is just one example of the many cities in LA that have served as a place for people of the same struggles to come together.
In your example you mentioned that there were murals and ethnic related art that represent the Latin community and I think that is important because like you said, most of the residents that live there are Latin. The city you live in serves you a purpose in life and you have to feel comfortable with the neighborhood and people that reside in it in order to be content with our lifestyle. Based on occupation I think people are able to connect with one another and understand each other's story more with similarities.
However I wish you would have mentioned if there were any boundaries between Boyle Heights and other surrounding cities or if they are all essentially the same. Also I would've been interested to know the type of transportation that dominated this area, or if it was known for crime or the type of groups that inhabited this area.
However I think its amazing that this city has lit streets, murals and a sense of culture to it. The fact that many business owners keep their businesses small and local makes the city seem more intimate and friendly and it goes well with the concept of people residing in cities where their occupation and and residents are essentially similar to them.
Since you mentioned the Chicago School Model, I would have asked your friend if he has seen changes in the neighborhood since he has lived there for a long time, and how the neighborhood was able to process these changes if any, because that was essentially what the sociologists of Chicago were interested in.
Great and interesting post!
-Erica Mendez
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